Chris Brinlee, Jr.

CBJ internets—and sometimes the internet likes it.

Tahoe Winter Chaos

4M Impressions, 60k+ Direct Shares + Likes. Oh, and got picked up by multiple national and state news outlets.

When there’s a storm approaching and the cars are unknowingly lining up to star in Pt. II of your “Tahoe Chaos” video series.

Rise of the Beard Garden

Fired off on Tumblr; got picked up by The Daily Mail; found its way into the Chicago Athletic Association Hotel; and got pinned on countless Pinterest boards throughout the internet.

Cat Camping

The internet lost its shit when I took my cat, Finch, camping at Big Sur. Was featured on blogs; wrote a guest post for Gizmodo; and was interviewed about the experience. Most importantly, Finch and I had a blast on my 26th birthday.

Let’s make or break some shit.