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Nepal // Teahouse Trek

Trekking in Nepal

Everest Base Camp, the Annapurna Circuit Trek, Manaslu Circuit Trek—these are some of the most famous and sought-after walks in the world; and for good reason.

The mountains in Nepal are big (obviously!) And any journey amongst them is unquestionably grand. Yet, trekking in these regions can be equally accessible thanks to a European-style, fully catered hut system of “tea houses.”

All of the huts have meal services; and you sleep in a bed every night. It makes for minimal equipment requirements and really light backpacks, enabling you to focus on the experience of being immersed in the mountains, without the headache of complicated gear and logistics.

Nepal possesses massive elevation profiles—from tropics near sea level; all the way to the highest point in the world. Oftentimes, the treks will start in low lands, which can be quite warm; and go up to passes higher than most points in North America—which can be quite cold. As such, these climate differences should be a consideration when choosing your kit.

Chris’s recommended kits for these types of missions are organized by category: Soft goods, Trekking Apparel, Footwear, Trekking Gear, Electronics, Personal Items, and Travel + Misc.

By purchasing through one of the links below, Chris will receive a small affiliate commission, which comes at no additional cost to the consumer.

Optional equipment is designated with an (*).


Trekking Apparel


Trekking Gear


Personal Items

Travel & Misc.

  • Passport

    Ensure that the expiration date is at least six months after your scheduled return. Have a digital copy on your phone, and saved in the cloud, as well.

  • Passport Photos

    Come prepared with two additional physical passport photos.

  • Flight Itinerary

    Keep a printed copy of your flight itinerary.

  • Travel Clothes

    Have a fresh set for arrival, and another for departure.

  • Medications

    Consult with your physician about which medications it make sense for you to bring while on a remote international trip and for high altitude climbing.

    Many of these can be acquired OTC in Thamel. At minimum, bring the following:

    Broad spectrum antibiotics like Ciprofloxacin (500mg tablets), Metronidazole, and Azithromycin (250mg tablets).

    125mg tablets for prevention or treatment of Acute Mountain Sickness.

    4mg tablets for treatment of altitude illness.

  • MISC.

    —Snacks (GU, Shot Blocks, etc. for summit day)
    —Toiletries (Hand sanitizer, Toothpaste/TB, etc.)
    —Lip Balm (SPF 15+)
    —Ear plugs
    —Journal / Pen
    —Stuff sacks
    —Spare contacts / eyeglasses
    —(4) Chemical Handwarmers (Pairs)
    —(2) Chemical Footwarmers (Pairs)
    —Small soap + shampoo/conditioner

Imagine it.